Here it is 2 1/2 years since the operation, and over a year since my last post. My soon to be ex-wife says I still make noise and struggle in my sleep (why should sleep life be any different than waking life I wonder?). My throat still gets dry and I have to drink much more fluids than I used to - or maybe not - maybe I just notice it because now it's water instead of coke. I never regained my love of the taste of coke, though I managed to find other sources to make up for the caloric intake loss that not drinking coke provided. I still make clicking noises at seemingly random times. I choke on things more often and get things caught in my throat a lot more often which seems odd since there is less to get caught on "back there", but maybe those dangly bits usually stop things from getting to the throat and prevent things from choking one. My throat still looks like something from an alien autopsy - very unnaturally smooth. It was an interesting experience all in all, a q...
Showing posts from May, 2003